More about Beth Newingham's website. I loved these theme posters. Throughout the year I would have the children add small copies of the covers of books we had read next to the theme. What is important here is that some books had more than one theme. We would discuss which theme was the strongest or just put the picture in both themes. We added picture books, paperbacks and even stories from our Houghton Mifflin (Trophies) reading series. Be sure to explain that their are MANY themes in stories. These are just some of the most popular ones. Its a great way to look back at all of the reading you did when the year is coming to an end. Christine
What a great idea! Teaching Theme throughout the year and a great visual of all of the reading we've done! Any way you could share your beautiful theme posters?
I believe I got these posters from Beth Newingham's website a few years ago. If you google her name her school website should come up. Christine