Monday, June 13, 2011

Learning about JFK

Here we are at the JFK museum
Before our field trip to the JFK Museum, my fifth graders needed to add a great deal to their background knowledge about our 35th president. I normally have my students write a report, but this year we tried something new. Every child made a lapbook about the president. If you don't know what lapbooks are( I had never heard of them, but they are very popular with homeschoolers) here are some great sites that show quite a few examples.
The first thing I did was use stickies to map out where I would put the different things I would make on the lapbook. I wanted a variety of items that would pertain to a biography like: family photographs, flip books, a map, a timeline. I had the children use stickies to "plan" their books before doing anything. We brainstormed a variety of things that you could use in the lapbook, and I provided lots of materials (presidential seal, pictures, flip books, the link is down below).

Here is my model w/ stickies
Each child did write a report, so we decided to glue those on the back of the flipbooks. They stand up, so they are great for display. They came out really terrific! Christine This is another site I used for templates.

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