My 5th graders are big Margaret Peterson Haddix fans. Uprising is coming out in paperback in January from Scholastic for $4 each. I'm going to invest in a class set. It is the story of the Shirtwaist Triangle factory fire, one of the most tragic fires in American history.
The plot involves a friendship between three young women in New York City in 1911. Two of the girls are immigrants who work at Triangle, one is the daughter of a wealthy businessman. Only one of these girls survives the fire. You must wait till the end of the book to find out who. I made an introductory Smartboard lesson for it as well. The link is at the bottom.This book can be used to teach so many topics: immigration, the history of the american union, the concept of sweatshops. What is most interesting is that the fire was 100 years ago this March 25. Recently I have started researching my family genealogy. My great grandmother was a twiner in a factory in Boston at the time of the Triangle fire. She very likely knew about it.This is the only existing picture of her. Her working conditions were probably similar to those described in the story. It was a fascinating connection to make. Christine

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